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Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

Why Must Learn

"More and more science, more spacious living. The more or less science, more and more narrow life "

If you do not produce any results in learning, you should double-check your learning methods. But if you're not passionate in relajar, you should immediately realize you probably do not have goals, or even losing the goal.
What is the purpose of your study? As a Godless person, certainly no longer our goal mengandi besides Him, whatever his religion. So no need for relajar untun orders and serve Him, is not it? Because life is for devotion to Him, so too must therefore relajar.
Since losing the spirit of the divinity of this, then do not wonder much going pelencengan in the process and the decline in morale relajar relajar. Learning process among other Pelencengan tradition cheat on tests, exams, and even making paper or thesis. Also incurred, such as selling diplomas, perjokian to purchase a title. These actors seem to lose the purpose of Divinity. Then start taking the world as a destination. Partly because it wants to target the office or position, and mostly to rake money in large quantities with a quick but not kosher.
If the deity or spiritual purposes is still held, there would not cheat on the phenomenon of educational institutions, buying and selling counterfeit diplomas to scientific work. Of course learning outcomes obtained will be enormous even memmperoleh blessing. Sometimes the spiritual goal is not abstract and often displaced by the objective world. Actually not shifted but we must have small goals to achieve big tujun. Was not to reach 100 km we have reached 10 km first? Similarly, for the purpose
So we must look for small goals. The goals are:
Ease of life. Lots tools created by man for his life more easily, is not it? So we learn computers so that we could control and our daily work easier. We learn the language so that our communication easier, and we are studying agriculture in order to easily manage our nature to ease our lives.
Science is very interesting. Sometimes we have no hope of anything in addition to learning something because we see them really interesting, we'll see soon pulled the science of psychology, then we also learn. And if the more interesting, we may choose to more serious and then even contributed to research something there. So with this reason that many ilmiwan-born scientist who mnganggap tekuni that they were as fun or a hobby.
Country's progress. Njuga Many people choose to learn something because he moved to build his village, his birthplace, or his country. This are like done by Habibie, the third president of Indonesia when he was in Germany kulia. Majored in aerospace college choices because he wanted to realize the dream that President Sukarno of Indonesia as an archipelagic state must have an appropriate transportation liaison. It was the flight. So many village children determined to gain knowledge to build the educational village.
Wealth. Another goal is to learn because the most popular search for wealth. This is the same as studying for a diploma so you can easily find a job. So the young men flocked into the schools and the best campuses in order to become the best graduates to come to work in companies or institutions of excellence.
Actually four small goals above will be automatically had in mind when we learn. And it's not wrong actually. But then menjadii wrong when the learners only had four goals and ignore the main purpose as a means of serving Him
Why is the main goal is getting more important? That goal will make our lives directed, selecting the correct process, and we have a strong resistance when confronting obstacles. Directed for the purpose of living is very focused and clear: God. Then he will choose the correct process according to the instructions of God and his life will be blessed. Finally he will be stronger when facing obstacles, because the obstacles that will shrink when we aim to enlarge. So before learning, have goals and are essential ..

School collapse Us

"Thinking without learning how to make people behave strangely, and learn without thinking a disaster," Kong Hu Chu-

You realize that our neighbors are quiet Budi turned into naughty? Astri once shy girl is now a coquette? And Irfan who like to help now prefer to sit alone? In fact they had just finished their school daro. Why would not they be better? We did not see the little child who in his childhood with a loud voice saying 'I want to be president!' 'I want to be astronauts!' Or 'I want to be insinyur1'

It turned out as adults, they change their ideals. The presidential candidates were even remove his ideals. Boro-boro be president, willing to look too hard work he said. The prospective astronauts no longer have to maintain his ideals. Even talking about outer space was never done. He was only thinking how to finish their thesis. And the candidates had the same engineer. They turned into young men who pessimistic.

Dozen years has transformed their school. But what changes? Schools should change the presidential candidates become the presidential candidate really yag ready, able to know the problem the nation, a confident, a good variety of foreign languages as the provision of a president, who advanced to communicate effectively, and are capable of leading. Schools should alter the prospective astronauts become scientists that intelligent, confident and capable of lifting the nation dignity through outer space. Similarly, the future engineer. After a dozen years on the bench of education, he should turn into truly technology-literate engineers and skilled in all skillnya.

Or at least the school is able to continue to maintain their dreams, continues to burn even the motivation, rather than vice versa.

School sins

But why did it extinguish the embers of schools in every child? Even produce a lot of unemployment, many naughty children, many youth are pessimistic, many officers who are cruel, wickedly smart people, even the corrupt leaders? Is this the sign that the school had 'collapsed'?

Was not the previous child did not know the word cheat, but sekolahlah who taught? The school had inadvertently been educating them that help a friend who had difficulty answering questions that test dikala good. The school even let them. Thus was born the culture of cheating in congregation. Or at least, at most schools there is no seriousness to remove this nbudaya.

Are not the kids do not know the word value and the score? So that when they first learn to walk, because they really need to walk? They do not need to score runs to be able to walk, right? Do not they were once sincere and very eager to learn cycling. Because they realized it was imperative to achieve successful lives. So they are very eager to learn. They do not care fall get up, hit the bike, got up again, hit a tree, or even into the ditch. Before school, they have been taught the meaning of hard work, earnest and the meaning of a dream, not to pursue the meaning of value,

But after his mother put them to school. What happened? Slowly they learn to be independent spirit goes out over time. Sincerity they disappeared because they were forced to pursue targeted curriculum and numbers. Kecertiaan and ksukarelaan without trace them in learning because teachers are now ready to write the number of red, giving remedial, or a threat to repeat classes. Is this not the sins of our school?

Happy School Leaving

The students are now sitting pretty with the full school pretensions. See their merry when the bell rang. It is as if apart from the heavy shackles. They wait time goes by and soon scattered when the time comes. See also the school when the separation occurred. That's the happiest moments of them. They seemed to say, goodbye 'prison', we promise never to return. And the fact they'll never go back to school. Is not a sign of love that do not want to leave? Why are they so happy even when the separation happened?

Ever see a baby boy who gives or offers a toy or a cat maknannya at his home? Or a baby who waved a smile on the bird in a cage? Does that mean other than not because they want to sincerely friendly and helpful to anyone? But why the higher their school, not easy for a human to get acquainted with just anyone. The school has taught them to mncurigai people first before percaya.Sekolah really teach them to be careful with the name 'others'? Life is now filled with suspicion and mistrust. Schools continue to play a major role in this regard.

Your new work in the office would often see a 'welcome' in particular on new entrants. Psti old residents say 'ospek' first and can not work. Finally the new employees are experiencing less harassment of their humanity. Errands they do things weird and totally useless down for a while, until the 'senior' satisfaction. Is not a case of the model was never taught by life? Who teaches this lesson if not the school or college? Is not ospek is a true product or campus schools ...? Those who teach us to act stupid-bodohkan our new friend.

Laskar Pelangi : Hope is Still There!

"Dance and continued to laugh, even though the world was not as beautiful as paradise. Be thankful to the power, our love in the world .... "Nidji

Warriors of the rainbow is just a story written in the novel and turned on in the film. But the story that comes from this true story is an interesting story, touching and moving (inspire). And clearly, this story is very close to our lives. Madina Magazine (October 2008 edition) describes it as a film 'indonesiawi'. So hardly surprising if the novel explodes into the archipelago's best-selling novel and the film became a box office with an audience of more than 4 million pairs of eyes.

This story is filled with messages. The first message of the writer Andrea Hirata course for the government of this country who take care of the state as not serious, by allowing the dilapidated schools without a note let alone improved. Hirata's alumni are physically dilapidated school was as a spokesman for the government to more literate. Because in reality there are thousands of such dilapidated schools across the country.

Message to Teachers

The second message, of course for the teachers of this country. First order would be a real teacher. Teachers who teach with their heart, the teacher who taught students throughout his life not only during school hours. Teachers who know the weaknesses and strengths of his students. So long as the teacher does not prohibit or despair is not easy to see the real conditions.

Bu Muslimah are willing to continue teaching at the school although there are opportunities to move to another school better teach us the meaning of loyalty (loyalty), which today is very expensive. Bu Muslimah teaches us that life is not about money alone. If salaries can not be paid, does not mean doomsday. We can cleverly find another opportunity to cover our needs, with a sewing example.

Bu Muslimah also reminds us to treat students as human beings really buakan as robots or mere objects. Nyang a teacher must bring the best from his students how any circumstances. Teachers are not broken charcoal when schools do not provide the best facilities. Teachers who gently stroked his head when trouble whipping his protege. Teachers who inspire his students when the spirit is shrinkage. Teachers who really teach, rather than making money.

Message for Students

The third message is a message to millions of claimant science Hirata this country to have a dream. Not merely because dreams are free. But the Dream which will make life truly lived. Dream strengths which deliver latitude never give up the condition of areas that are not friendly, even though facing crocodile. Dreams also bring his own Hirata, successfully graduated from school and his dream to fly around the world and finally wrote Laskar Pelangi.

Hirata also want to instruct to the students to take advantage of all the intelligence they had. If you can not be a genius a la latitude, la Mahar mungin be a genius with kinesthetic and musical intelligence. Or it could be the Sahara-style religious intelligence who dared refuse to go to a shaman, he was even able to influence some other friends. Or course, curly-style genius, that can process a dream.

Hirata and other messages addressed to the managers of schools that are not easy to complain and stand idly by when there is no supporting facilities. Laskar Pelangi taught that labs do not have to be bought with expensive money. But the reality is the real laboratory. Mahar Bear witness that with the style of dance performed kr4reatif Papua simple and efficient to win. Classes are bad does not matter if the spirit of teaching is still owned by managers and school teachers. Classes are not adequate if not a hindrance to the spirit of the disciples were burnt.

Laskar Pelangi background atmosphere with beautiful panorama of Indonesia are extremely well-deserved make us optimistic. That reversed the threat of collapse of schools dipenjuru this country, there are many reasons for us to rise up: a dream, never give up and always be thankful.

They're Not Stupid, Just Out Line

"The changes are the result of all the real learning process"-Leo Buscaglia-

Because of difficulty receiving the lesson Sylvester "Rambo" Stallone was forced to lift the foot of the campus. Alfa Thomas Edison suffered a similar fate, heavy school conquer 'stupidity'. Winston Churchill's worse, he was frequently expelled and the school moved several times! But they did not surrender. Proved later Stallone's most successful action movie star, Edison became a legendary inventor light bulb, and Churchill led the British to avoid a defeat of World War II. They're nothing small the days, but found his world when in his life, the actor who silenced their past opinions.

Stupid does not mean defeat. Stupid does not equal failure. Smart not necessarily successful. A person who is smart in one thing may be stupid in another. Conversely, some people called stupid but smart in other ways. So dumb and smart only depending on how it looked.

Ahmad hobbies playing football, but the school is always below his average. Okay okay he's stupid. But wait, it's just school course. Because the football field he was a pupil of the most intelligent! On the contrary may be the best student Sodikin class, but the bias ternodoh in the field, is not it? So who's stupid, and clever? Yes, we look at it depends ... So if someone says you are stupid, maybe they were right. Conversely, if the NDA said yourself smart, you probably also true. Depending on views of how to look at it.

3 Scientists Stupid World Benefits

Know Einstein? At age 7 years he had not yet read bias. I learned to portray his teacher as one who his memory was slow, and not dreamy mix bias. Even as his folly, he was expelled from school, and when the teenager was rejected when he will go to Zurich Polytechnic School. But then he turned into expert physicists or physicists of this century. He discovered the theory of relativity that the universe tumultuous world of science.

Newton knew well, is not it? Starting from his childhood of rural England. Achievement in school is very bad. He was allegedly suffering from Asperger Syndrome, a type of autism disease. He also did not seem excited about school and not much attention. But who would have thought hobina dreamy nature makes it also capable of shocking the world with his theory of gravity.

There's more great scientists of the world which was then very useful to humanity but his background is as a fool. He was the Alfa Thomas Edison. Because of complaints about the stupidity and their teacher can not teach forced Edison, Edison's mother then pulled out of school. Later, Edison is able to turn their opinion of his teacher. He turned into a genius who became a blessing for the world. He discovered the electric light bulb is very valuable. He also found a tape machine and the electric telegraph. Not only that, Edison suffered from the days his little deaf find hundreds of other great inventions.

Stupid People's Leading English

Winston Churchill when menhikuti Latin exam for incoming elementary school, he was only able to write the title, name, number one, and point! But because he belonged to a wealthy respected family, he was accepted. However, no change stupidity. At school, she was often punished for bad and not worth trying to learn better. He also could not ride a class at the elementary school.

But then proved he was no fool. In 1940, he was sworn in as Prime Minister of England. He also did not become Prime usual. He became the legendary Prime Minister. At that time, fully controlled by the expansion of Europe led by Hitler's Germany. One by one mainland Europe to give up. England wait his turn like. But he refused to lead the people to surrender through pidati-famous speech and burned. In addition to being a legendary hero and England, Churchill was knighted later was awarded the 'sir' and won the prestigious Nobel Prize.

Stated another Churchill also with Onassis. He is the king of Greece's most famous ship in the 20th century. lading the oil business is very profitable. Accumulate wealth and abundance that will not run out seven generations. I was so classy of her life, when he died, he gave away a lot owned by his estate. One granddaughter Jackie Onassis, inherited hampeir $ 26milyar! But, you know that the days her childhood, she was not only the most ignorant students, but also as a troublemaker troublemakers. So that some schools which never enters often happy to get her out of school. Besides failing during seklah, he also failed the college entrance exam. So that he never obtained a college diploma anywhere. But then he became king of the land and sea, through the success of its business.